QMS ISO 14001
We recognise that we have a responsibility to protect not only the people on our projects, but also the environment around us. Our operating locations across Europe have environmental and waste management policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance to both Company and broader National and International regulations. Regular internal and external audits take place, from energy saving schemes and waste management policies to careful waste handling, segregation and disposal regulations.
When working together with our customers we integrate with their own environmental and waste policies and systems. To ensure a completely managed service and provide the best possible practise it is vitally important on major installation and dismantling projects that both energy efficiencies and waste control procedures are in place.
Additionally, our engineering services are provided to many projects that are connected to environmental industries such as waste reclamation, green power generation, waste treatment and energy saving industries and production facilities.
The Company is constantly reviewing its policies and procedures to ensure it is carrying out best practices at all times and is ISO 14001 accredited.